Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Council of Sages

When I have soaked the endless conversations
Just about any blabber adults will churn out
Accusations and counter-accusations,
Truths, half-truths and outright lies
Words which heal not
Words, like javelin thrown,
Aimed to create heroes and zeroes

When I am drenched in the ramblings
The whys and wherefores
The thou-art-the-problem and thou-art-the-devil

When I have immersed myself in all this
I retreat to my safe haven, a quiet corner,
Get myself a nice book and read
And soon, I am thrust into a different world
The sorrow that sunk me a moment earlier
Is all but a distant, tiny wisp
Around me now, is my “Council of Sages”

With them, I am holding a serious conversation.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My Memory Palace

I will build myself my memory palace
Where, in their loci, I will store all I want to remember.

I would want to store facts, like the savants,
Churn out facts, gobble every other factoids there is.

I would know my memory palace well,
Have an image of where I placed my wristband
On a sloppy Saturday midnight.

And I will not write anything.
I will not keep any notebook or diary.

If you were to ask me, perchance,
The fourth line of Shakespeare's Macbeth,
I will never falter
And if you were to ask me to memorise 100,000 digits back and forth
I will.

I am tired of my forgetfulness
( I forget whether tomorrow is going to be your birthday)
And it hurts, and it costs me

All that I want to build for myself, right now
is a memory palace.
To memorize the Black's Law Dictionary ( just for the heck of it)
And see my mental gymnastics do the trick

I want to claim back my memory
And throw away these extensions to my memory
Like the Greek Orators, I want to speak from within me
To retain in as much as I read

C) Salem Lorot 2013/ echoesofthehills

I am reading a book titled 'Moonwalking with Einstein', a book on the art of remembering by Joshua Foer. It is an exciting book that I bought off the streets on one lazy Saturday afternoon. Quite some read.

Echoes of the Hills, Where Thou Art?

I think a quick update on what I have been up to will do. You see, when you have been absent from the blogosphere from 4th of July of this year still now, I owe it to my readers to "show cause why" I have been that scarce.

Largely, I have been preoccupied with the demands of my day job as a legal practitioner dealing with Children matters in the courts. Most of the times I have carried work home to finish them there and I really miss the days when I used to churn out one poem every day.

But, even amidst all this, I am very guilty. Guilty for not writing. Guilty for not penning my poems. And there has always been something hitting me every other time. Something odd. And there has been a vacuum within me. My spirit has been restless and I am glad that I can write this.

Let me see if I will write a poem after this.

I am back, my fans.


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