Monday 17 January 2011

Daughter of a Woman

My bull with crossed horns, Longolemwai,
Witness this, Witness this, Longolemwai
When we were trapped in the crossfires of the bullets
Trapped in panyirit thorns in no-man’s-land
Trapped in steep gulleys with no food to eat but among’oo and angalalio 
We did it the two of us, just the two of us
Witness this, Witness this, Longolemwai
The daughter of a woman has trapped my heart, Longolemwai
The daughter of a woman is making my heart go in circles
The daughter of a woman, my bull, is like sour milk
Served in dry season
The daughter of a woman is millet porridge with milk and pyƶpay 
The daughter of a woman has the eyes of gazelles
The daughter of a woman goes to the river and oh, the way she moves her hips
The daughter of a woman makes my blood boil
I can jump and hit my head on heaven
I can jump and make a hole on earth with my feet
The daughter of a woman has trapped my heart, Longolemwai
Witness this, Witness this, Longolemwai
My bull with crossed horns, Longolemwai,
The daughter of a woman has trapped my heart, Longolemwai

C) Lorot Salem 2011


simonpoetically said...

I like your style, it reminds much of the anthology poems from east africa.

Salem Lorot said...

Thanks Simonpoetically. Am humbled. You could be right because the Anthology shaped our minds. It made an impression on my mind and it is befitting to laud the poets in that book.

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